Here’s a few I’ve tried, I’ll expand this list as I try more. Which have you tried? Suggestions? Leave em in the comments please, I’d love to see what else it out there. – It’s ok, it used to be WAY better. You can only do split-tests and they’re redirect tests so they have to be complete pages. But it is Free. – Probably the best, does A/B, Multivariate, Redirect and On-Page. When I used them they were relatively new, but the’re platform was hands down the best I’ve used. They have a drag and drop interface so you can literally change up your design while you’re looking at it. Simply click an element and change it’s color, or add a an image, then save it as a new variation. – Another great choice, I haven’t used them in awhile but they also have a good interface with all the different test type options.
Site testing is only getting better with time and so is user-testing, which I’ll be talking about services available for those next.
Web Developer
eCommerce Usability Optimization Expert
PNW Native, Outdoor Enthusiast and Overlander.